Thursday, February 18, 2010

WP1: Statement of Purpose

For the first graded portion of WP1, you will be asked to compose a statement of purpose. As Compose Design Advocate mentions, a statement of purpose offers a “clearer and more concrete…sense of purpose, and it explains your purpose by referring to audience and context…[it] should be detailed and specific enough to guide you through the steps of choosing a medium or mix of media, deciding strategies, and then arranging, producing, and testing what you compose” (40). Therefore, in an attempt to begin crafting a clearer vision for your first major project, you will follow the guidelines CDA provides for you on 40-41 and 76-77. Make sure to cover as many of the prompts the textbook offers you so that you can most fully benefit from this exercise. Furthermore, you might want to reread and think through the statement of purpose model I posted earlier this semester. This assignment's minimum criteria are 600-700 words, 3 relevant hyperlinks, and 2 multimedia elements. DUE: Sunday, February 21st @ midnight.

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