Friday, August 28, 2009

UPDATE: 08.28.09

1) I updated the conference schedule in the post below to reflect the alterations for make-ups and conflicts. Please, check the schedule for your appropriate time to ensure that you show up.

2) On Tuesday, September 1 and Thursday, September 3rd we will meet in Andrews Hall 207. Do not go to room 029. During this session, we construct our blogs which we will use for writing the rest of the semester. It is imperative that you attend these two classes.

3) Read pages 33-41 and pages 57-77 in Compose, Design, Advocate.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Introductory Conference Schedule

Listed below is the introductory conference schedule for the next two weeks; please, make note of your time. If for some reason you cannot attend the time slot you have chosen, provide me with 24 hour notice. I would also ask that you attempt to show up at my office (Andrews 302) a couple minutes before our scheduled time so we can keep the conferences moving rather swiftly and without interruption.

11:00-Kyle V.
Kyle G.
Megan V.

For those of you who cannot meet during my office hours, I have selected (based upon your availability) this Friday the 28th for our meetings. Your time slots are as follows: Kelsey 2:30PM, Kayla 2:45PM, Megan R. 3:00PM, Ayana 3:15PM, Adam 3:30PM, and Danny 3:45PM.

I look forward to speaking with you all.

REMINDER: Read pages 2-31 (the introduction and chapter 1) in Compose, Design, Advocate for tomorrow's class session.