Tuesday, April 6, 2010

UPDATE: 06 April 2010

Since I will be at the AWP conference in Denver, CO, Thursday's class session will be canceled. In lieu of meeting at our regularly scheduled time period, I would like you all to re-visit your sculpture sometime before next Tuesday and commune with it, writing your ruminations, analysis, sketches, etc. in your notebook. Next Tuesday, we will meet in front of the Sheldon Art Museum and continue to observe and reflect upon the outdoor sculpture that will be your primary text for WP3. Your assignments are as follows:

Sarah: SANDY in Defined Space; Hannah: Woman Lying Down (II); Ellie: Fragment X-O; Joey: Variable Wedge; Nina: Torso; Ben S: Superstructure on 4; Ben H: Serenity; John: Story; Jamie: Daimaru XV; Cara: Birth of Venus; Amberley: Pieta; James: Bather; Bryan: Fallen Dreamer; Blake: Arch Falls; Kelli: Arietta II; Erin: Stairway Balusters. So that you may locate your primary source easier, here is a map of the sculpture garden.

For your first pre-writing assignment for WP3, you will need to write a 300-500 post on your previous experience with art-objects (you may interpret this as liberally as you would like). If you don't have any, or have very limited experience, you might want to address reasons for this absence, or apprehensions you might have with regard to writing a rhetorical analysis about an art-object. In addition to the word count, you will need to incorporate 1 multi-media element and 2 relevant hyperlinks. DUE: Thursday, April 8th @ 11:00AM.

For your second pre-writing assignment for WP3, you will need to write a 500 word, cursory analysis of your sculpture, recording any salient information about it. Specifically, what rhetorical techniques, strategies, concepts, and appeals do you think the art-object evinces? Look through chapter 9 in CDA if you feel that you need a refresher on some of the rhetorical terminology we use for visual compositions. DUE: Tuesday, April 13th @ 11:00AM.