Thursday, October 22, 2009

UPDATE: 10.22.09

For homework this weekend, please read the selection from Scott McCloud's book The Vocabulary of Comics found on Blackboard and be prepared to dicuss the material in class on Tuesday. Specifically, think about how the concepts and techniques McCloud employs within his comic-essay intersect with the rhetorical terms and concepts we have discussed in Compose Design Advocate. In what manner are they similar? How are they different? (You may also find it helpful to review CDA pages 301-311. These pages, as you may remember, discuss the confluence of text and image, as well as other means of visual representation.)

Furthermore, in preparation for WP2, I would like each of you to select a comic for analysis. While you may work with multi-paneled comic strips, be mindful that your audience must be able to view the entire strip. Therefore, make sure that whatever you select will fit into your blog post (i.e. don't select an entire comic book, etc). Also, option 2 for WP2 will be to create a comic strip of your own. Here is an example of a previous students' work.

Finally, for your next blog post, perform a cursory analysis and record any salient information about the comic you choose earlier. Begin by providing a very brief narrative of the content; afterward, think through some of the concepts found in chapter 15 of CDA. What follows is a list of possible questions to ask yourself, but do not feel that you need to limit your response to one or several of these prompts: How are the interactions between characters visually and textually developed? What conventions does the comic employ and how are they visually represented? If your comic is multi-paneled, how is the relationship between panels established? What effect does typography have on our overall understanding of the piece? The post should be 500 words, include the comic you selected, and 2 relevant hyperlinks. DUE: Tuesday, October 27th @ 12:30PM.

Monday, October 19, 2009

UPDATE: 10.19.09

As a reminder, please sure to read CDA chapter 15 (pages 509-532) for our class session on Thursday, October 22nd. Additionally, you will also need to read the sections from chapter 9 that cover typography (pages 279-284 and 295-300).

Furthermore, while we won't discuss WP2 guidelines until next week, you might want to begin searching for a comic that you can analyze.