Friday, February 12, 2010

WP1: Pre-Writing Assignment 2

For your weekend blog post, you will once again pre-write with your selected documentary photograph in mind. Specifically, I would like you to make some notes on the technical aspects of the photograph. How are the subjects arranged? Or, stated another way, what are the “vectors of attention” and how do they foster, or gesture towards the rhetorical appeal of logos, ethos, and pathos? Likewise, how does the photograph employ the techniques of framing, cropping, focus, lighting, and coloration (i.e. hue, saturation, and brightness) to produce a particular rhetorical appeal? Remember, the manner in which the photographer composed the text is based upon specific decisions intended to direct and shape the audience’s attention in a particular way. These techniques and their subsequent rhetorical effects are what we want to focus on. The post should be 500 words, include a relevant multimedia element that is not your selected photograph, and 2 salient hyperlinks. DUE: Tuesday, February 16 @ 10:30PM.

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