Thursday, September 3, 2009

UPDATE: 09.03.09

1) We previously viewed the below video in class and briefly discussed how it can be understood through the lens of rhetoric, composition, design, and advocacy as discussed in CDA:

As such, for your second blog post of the semester you will write a 300-500 response to the above clip, employing the terms and concepts from the textbook (e.g. purpose, audience, context, medium, strategies, arrangements, ethos, pathos, logos, etc.). Obviously, you cannot cover everything we have read, so select one or two concepts that you most connected with and address them appropriately. In addition to the word count, you must include 2 hyperlinks, and embed the Web 2.0 video. DUE: September 7, 2009 @ 7:00PM.

3) Your third blog post will, in fact, not be a post at all, but a "Link List" of your fellow classmates. To accomplish this task, enter the "Layout" menu and click on "Add a Gadget." Once you enter the sub-menu, click on "Link List." You can add individual student blogs by opening the main ENGL 151 blog in a separate window, then clicking on student names in the sidebar. This action should take you to each others' specific blogs. Simply, cut-and-paste the URL into the "Link List" dialogue box and your finished. Note: To receive the full point, make sure the list is both a) fully functional and b) in alphabetical order. DUE: September 7, 2009 @ 7:00PM.

4) Read CDA chapter 7, pages 181-221. In class next week, we will begin discussing in detail the past few chapters Make sure you are caught up on reading and prepared to discuss your insights.

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